Supercharge Your App: MariaDB In-Memory Tables as a Cache
·1308 words·7 mins
Redis is mainly used as an application cache or a quick-response database.
Packages for Store Routines in MariaDB 11.4
·898 words·5 mins
MariaDB 11.4 introduced many advanced features. One that grabbed my attention is the general support of packages for stored routines.
Better CRUDs with REPLACE INTO in MariaDB and MySQL
·622 words·3 mins
Many applications have dozens and sometimes even thousands of CRUD screens (Create, Read, Update, and Delete).
Using Temporary Tables in MariaDB
·552 words·3 mins
Let’s explore how temporary tables work in MariaDB. First, we have to connect to the server.
High Availability and Resiliency in Databases with MaxScale
·1297 words·7 mins
Mission-critical applications require high availability. The goal of high availability is to provide users with consistent access to services or resources, minimizing the chances of interruption.
Why do We Need Databases and SQL?
·1527 words·8 mins
SQL has a long and proven history. It has survived the fuss around NoSQL.
Fast Analytics with MariaDB ColumnStore
·1264 words·6 mins
Slow query times in large datasets are a common headache in database management.
New book (coming) - MariaDB for Developers
·607 words·3 mins
TL;DR: I’m writing a new book on MariaDB for developers, and it will be available in the next few months.
Programming Brain now available in Spanish
·305 words·2 mins
I’m happy to announce that now the whole website is available en Español!
Second website migration
·396 words·2 mins
Today I completed the second migration of my website from Blogger to Hugo (previously from a drag-and-drop platform to Blogger).
A full-fledged development environment with Docker
·853 words·5 mins
Docker allows you to create isolated environments. And not only in production.
A new chapter at MariaDB: Joining the Products Team
·328 words·2 mins
Over the past almost two years, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to work with the Marketing team at MariaDB plc as a Developer Advocate.
What is MariaDB?
·346 words·2 mins
MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system that uses the Structured Query Language (or SQL) to manage and manipulate data.
My experience in Latin America presenting the evolution of MariaDB
·584 words·3 mins
Last week, I had the pleasure of giving a talk at the open source event organized by our partner Imagunet in Colombia.
My experience at Cloud Expo Europe - London 2023
·509 words·3 mins
Developer Relations
I recently had the opportunity to attend the Cloud Expo Europe in London with our team at MariaDB, where we promoted SkySQL, our cloud database solution.
Why MariaDB instead of MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB?
·385 words·2 mins
Can you tell us a little bit about your database and what makes it unique?
ChatGPT as a MariaDB database
·230 words·2 mins
ChatGPT is truly impressive. You can instruct it to do all sorts of things when they can be communicated in plain text.
What is a database proxy?
·529 words·3 mins
A proxy is a server software, typically installed in a separate machine, that forwards requests to servers on behalf of clients.
MariaDB replication demo
·261 words·2 mins
Database replication is a process that copies data from one database (primary) to another (replica).
Building a Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pi (with automation)
·652 words·4 mins
Some months ago, I was lucky enough to get a bunch of Raspberry Pi minicomputers from MariaDB Corporation.
How to start a web server using Java
·414 words·2 mins
Do you want to start a basic HTTP server to serve the files in a directory on your machine using Java?
What is JPA?
·345 words·2 mins
JPA stands for Jakarta Persistence API (previously, Java Persistence API). It’s an API specification for database connectivity in Java applications.
What is a database connection pool?
·239 words·2 mins
A database connection pool stores ready-to-use database connections that threads can borrow when they need them, and return when they finish the work with the database.
How to execute SQL queries from Java (and prevent SQL injections)
·212 words·1 min
To run SQL queries in Java, you need a Connection object.
How to open and close JDBC connections
·134 words·1 min
To open and close database connections in Java, get a JDBC driver for your database.
New YouTube channel on programming (mostly Java)
·361 words·2 mins
Recently, I joined MariaDB Corporation as a Developer Advocate. My job is to help software developers by creating useful content and enabling them to succeed especially with Java and MariaDB databases.
I'm joining MariaDB!
·650 words·4 mins
Some weeks ago I decided to accept a position as a Developer Advocate at MariaDB Corporation.
Testing MariaDB ColumnStore performance
·1288 words·7 mins
MariaDB’s ColumnStore is an engine that stores data in a columnar fashion.
Using Vaadin web components in HTML documents without frameworks
·525 words·3 mins
Vaadin is a development platform for building web applications in Java.
New book - Practical Vaadin: Developing Web Applications in Java
·357 words·2 mins
I’m glad to announce the availability of my most recent book, Practical Vaadin: Developing Web Applications in Java published by Apress, a division of Springer Nature.
Designing an open-source community award
·807 words·4 mins
Developer Relations
I had the pleasure to announce the Vaadin Community Award during Vaadin Dev Day Spring 2021.
How to participate in and contribute to open source projects
·695 words·4 mins
Developer Relations
I like to think about open-source involvement in terms of levels.
Blog rebrand
·220 words·2 mins
Hey reader! A short entry to announce and document my blog’s rebrand.
How to start a career in coding
·1737 words·9 mins
A couple of days ago, a good friend of mine asked me how to make her kid more interested in programming.
My Experience Talking at JConf Colombia
·790 words·4 mins
Ever since I joined the team at Vaadin I had wanted to showcase our technologies at a local conference in my home country, Colombia.
Learning microservices with a practical example
·710 words·4 mins
Although this example application is simplistic and no one should ever use microservices to implement an application like this one, it shows you how it feels to run this kind of applications and how to implement it using Spring Cloud.
How to call a Java method from a JavaScript function in the browser
·128 words·1 min
In this video I demonstrate how to call a Java method that runs in the server from a JavaScript function running in the web browser:
Infinite lazy loading
·269 words·2 mins
Here’s a short excerpt of Chapter 9 Lazy Loading of my book Data-Centric Applications with Vaadin 8.
Hello, World in Vaadin 10+
·1243 words·6 mins
Vaadin is a set of tools to create web applications tailored to both, client-side and server-side developers.
Data-Centric Applications with Vaadin 10?
·242 words·2 mins
I recently got some hard copies of my last book about Vaadin.
Responsive embedded YouTube video or playlist online maker
·38 words·1 min
I have to embed YouTube videos or playlists frequently, so I decided to implement this simple tool to generate the HTML code of an embedded responsive YouTube video or playlist:
What's so cool about Vaadin Flow?
·341 words·2 mins
Vaadin Flow is a free open-source web framework for Java developers.
New book about Vaadin 8: Data-Centric Applications with Vaadin 8
·266 words·2 mins
I’m glad to announce that my second book about Vaadin has been published!
Microservices & Vaadin
·309 words·2 mins
During the last months, I’ve been researching and experimenting with microservices and Vaadin applications.
New book about Vaadin Framework 8 coming out
·177 words·1 min
As some of you may already know, I started writing a book about Vaadin 8 for Packt Publishing almost a year ago.
Enterprise-app for Vaadin
·314 words·2 mins
Some years ago I published the Enterprise-app add-on for Vaadin. The most awarded feature was the CrudComponent class that allowed you could add a CRUD-like interface to any Hibernate entity by writing one line of code.
Vaadin video tutorials
·57 words·1 min
Finally! After endless hours of rehearsal, screen recordings, audio recordings, film recordings, audio-image synchronization, editing work, and do it all over again, we have published the first 6 videos of the Vaadin Tutorial series.
Copy & paste based development
·481 words·3 mins
This is about Mr., W. J. a nice and friendly developer working for an IT company in a cosmopolitan city.
Semantic coupling
·474 words·3 mins
Code Complete is one of those books every developer should read.
Talking progress indicators
·443 words·3 mins
Willing to learn Vaadin 7 in a funny way? Here there is an excerpt of my book Vaadin 7 UI Design by Example: Beginner’s Guide.
Comments: A deodorant to mask code smells
·246 words·2 mins
Don’t get me wrong. Comments are useful and not all of them have the olfactory purpose of the famous analogy I’m using in this article’s title.
Book Give-away: Win a free copy of the book "Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example" - Just by commenting!
·246 words·2 mins
And the winners are:
Iskael Diaz Marquez Camilo Gonzalez Packt Publishing has two copies of Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example to be given away to two lucky winners.
Lightning fast commenting (in and out)
·123 words·1 min
I have used this two or three times in my life but it’s one of those simple (and useful?
Empty lines and semantics in source code
·537 words·3 mins
I remember a couple of years ago, while working with some developers, one of them seemed to be irritated by seeing empty lines in source code.
Enterprise App now available with Maven
·46 words·1 min
Finally! I’ve managed to write a Maven POM for Enterprise App.
A strategy to manage large SQL tables
·396 words·2 mins
Some months ago, I got involved in a project where I needed to generate quite big reports (more than 1 million rows) extracted mainly from an SQL table growing at a very fast pace.
Pagination: An old web 1.0 solution
·379 words·2 mins
A few days ago, an Enterprise App user asked me if lazy loading is better (particularly in a buisiness application) than pagination.
Hello GitHub
·180 words·1 min
I have been a ProjectLocker and Assembla user for years. They both offer excellent tools for software projects management.
My brand new web site
·150 words·1 min
As some of you already know, I will be making a big noise about Enterprise App and InfoDoc Pro next month.