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Data-Centric Applications with Vaadin 10?

·242 words·2 mins
Vaadin News
Alejandro Duarte
Alejandro Duarte
Alejandro Duarte is a Software Engineer, published author, and award winner. He currently works for MariaDB plc as a Developer Relations Engineer. Starting his coding journey at 13 with BASIC on a rudimentary black screen, Alejandro quickly transitioned to C, C++, and Java during his academic years at the National University of Colombia. Relocating first to the UK and then to Finland, Alejandro deepened his involvement in the open-source community. He’s a recognized figure in Java circles, credited with articles and videos amassing millions of views, and presentations at international events.

I recently got some hard copies of my last book about Vaadin. I love the matte colored look of the cover. Excellent job by Packt Publishing! Anyway, since the feeling of receiving a package with your own books is hard to describe with words, I decided to do it with code.

Although most of the concepts and design ideas that the book covers are valid for any version of Vaadin, I created a Git branch with all the examples migrated to Vaadin 10. At this time, there are certain features that Vaadin 10 doesn’t include (yet?) such as grid editors, menus, and LAYOUT_COMPONENT_GROUP styles. But besides that, pretty much everything was easy to migrate.

There are some new features in Vaadin 10 that, obviously, I didn’t cover in the book–things such as the new Router and the Element API. However, since the book is aimed at developers with basic Vaadin knowledge (i.e., they how to code UIs with the Vaadin Java API), the examples are useful and illustrate techniques you can use in your applications: modularization, authentication, authorization, database connectivity (with JDBC, JPA, MyBatis, and jOOQ), CRUD user interfaces design, lazy loading, and reporting with JasperReports.

Keep in mind that this book is not for total beginners. If you don’t know what kind of components are available in Vaadin and how to use the basic functionality they provide, you should start with the introduction to Vaadin Flow and the official Vaadin tutorial.

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